

Kollar på en ny serie som heter new girl och de finns så många fantastiska repliker i den, här kommer den bästa än så länge :)

Schmidt: Hey Jess, how you doing? You look fantastic. Listen, what if you came out with us tonight you know, after work. We'll fix you up, we'll take you out, we'll get you a rebound.
Jess: A Rebound?
S: Yeah.
J: I don't know if I'm ready.
S: You're totally ready for it. I'll take you through the whole thing. I'll be like your guide.
J: Like Gandolf through Middle Earth?
S: Probably not like -- Ok -- First of all, let's take the Lord of the Rings references and put them in a deep, dark cave, where no one's gonna find them. Ever.
J: Except Smeagle. He lives in a cave

så jävla klockren hahhahaa



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